Friday Five~ Under the Wire

I have just about 20 minutes to get this Friday Five posted before its officially Saturday, but that’s pretty much how things have been going lately! I’ve been slightly sick for the last couple of days, plus with the sleeping issues I feel like I’m always just a few steps behind lately!

After all of my talk and anticipation, I am leaving on my vacation on Wednesday! Just 4 more days to go! Here are 5 things that I need to take care of in the next 4 days:

1. Work! Yes, I work every day up until I leave, so with commute about 10 hours a day will be committed to work

2. Pack! I have pulled out my suitcase and thrown some random clothes in it so far, but I need to put together outfits and figure out what I still need to pull together before I go.

3. Get my room together! While it’s not a complete mess, my room definitely needs some cleaning before I head out… namely the floor, my pantry & changing the sheets on my bed. My bathroom needs a good cleaning as well.

4. Get myself together! Trim my hair, manicure, pedicure, etc.

5. Stay sane! And get some rest!

On that note, I need to head to bed, I have an early day tomorrow.

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